CrossFit South Rockland

Thursday, February 28, 2019

2/28 Thursday

Snatch Warm Up
Banded over head shoulder circles + external rotation
Bar on back press force the extension 
OHS with a 3 second pause
Drop snatch

Snatch technique
Power snatch
Power snatch + OHS
Drop snatch
Full snatch

Muscle ups

EMOTO for 12 minutes
Odd- 3 muscle ups
Even- 3 T&G full snatches

MB Warm Up #3
3x 10 reps
MB shuttle 40m
MB rotations
MB shuttle 40m
MB sit ups
MB shuttle 40m
Partner wall ball shots

Movement standards 

-MB Russian twists
-Wallball shots
-MB sit ups
-Wall ball shots

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

2/27 Day#45

Warm up 
Lumbar activation 
Banded lateral walk
Good mornings
Single leg bridges
Super rocks

Stone G2S

Partner WOD
20 minute ping pong
3 rope climbs (each)
2 stone G2S (each)
3x SB shuttle (each)

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

2/26 Day#44

Warm up
Tornado Tag
400m run 
Form a circle of 4 or more. One participant is on the out side and tries to tag selected individual in the circle.

Tabata row
Use watts


3 rounds of:
30 KBS w/35# m/53#
1k row

Warm up 
Tornado Tag
400m run 
Form a circle of 4 or more. One participant is on the out side and tries to tag selected individual in the circle.

Tabata row
Use watts


-Row for calories
-KB press with single KB
-Burpees over the mono rail

Monday, February 25, 2019

2/25 Day#43

Basic Warm Up 
2x net climbs
15 push ups
15 hollow rocks
15 good mornings w/65 m/95
15 OHS

Movement standards 

-Box jumps

Saturday, February 23, 2019

A Fasting Q&A with Dr. Rhonda Patrick and Mike Maser

Found My Fitness – A Fasting Q&A with Dr. Rhonda Patrick and Mike Maser

Key Takeaways

  • With time-restricted eating, you’re taking advantage of the body’s natural circadian clock, and eating only when your metabolism is most optimal 
  • Prolonged fasts activate autophagy pathways and allows for the clearing away of damaged cells
    • Stem cells are activated, which eventually grow to healthy/normal cells, which replace the damaged cells that were cleared away 
  • “There’s evidence in the scientific literature that if you consume black coffee within the fasting window, there’s still positive effects happening
    • But the question remains – “If you were not to consume it, would you have a more robust effect? We don’t know.”
  • When you fast, you deactivate growth pathways (like IGF-1, and mTOR) – both of which are activated by amino acids
    • So you definitely want to avoid any amino acids while fasting  
  • Electrolyte supplements do not appear to disrupt the fasted state
  • Training in the fasted state seems to be beneficial (unless you’re doing intense anaerobic exercise)
  • If you don’t train in the fasted state….It’s a myth – you really don’t need to down a protein shake immediately after your workout
    • HOWEVER – if you’re training fasted, know that you aren’t storing protein, so you may want to consume protein within an hour after lifting 
  • Exercise is KEY for making sure IGF-1 is going to the right places
  • The best way to break a fast:
    • Eat some protein to raise your IGF-1 levels, as well as some carbs (carbs allow for IGF-1 to be more bioavailable)


Are coffee and amino acid supplements okay to consume while fasting? 

  • Many people wonder if they’re allowed to have coffee, while following a time-restricted eating based diet
    • People who time-restrict their eating, typically only eat within a 4-12 hour time window, depending on the person
    • What’s the idea behind following this diet?
      • Our body has a circadian rhythm
        • In the morning we produce a hormone called cortisol to wake us up
        • As the day goes on, our cortisol levels drop, and at night our melatonin levels rise (this makes us sleepy)
      • Every cell in our body has a circadian rhythm, as well as various metabolic pathways
        • It’s important to make sure you’re consuming your food, when the metabolic pathways are most active 
      • So you shouldn’t really be eating outside the window of 6am-7pm ish
      • Eating outside this window, activates metabolic pathways when they’re really not supposed to be activated
  • Other tidbits
    • Humans are more insulin sensitive in the morning compared to the evening
    • Fatty acid metabolism is less active in the evening
  • So coffee….
    • Coffee with cream is obviously considered food and will break the fast
    • But black coffee (or espresso)…
      • Caffeine can shift the circadian clock – giving someone coffee later in the day will shift their circadian rhythm up by about 40 minutes
      • Caffeine is metabolized by the gut and liver, and the question is – Does this activation, by caffeine of the metabolic pathways in the liver/gut “start the circadian clock” – we don’t know
        • There are multiple studies which had people follow a time-restricted eating based diet, and allowed them to consume caffeine (black coffee or tea) during the fasting period – the benefits thought to result from fasting were still observed
        • “So clearly there’s evidence in the scientific literature that if you consume black coffee within that fasting window, there’s still positive effects happening”
        • But the question remains – “If you were not to consume it, would you have a more robust effect? We don’t know.”
  • What about amino acids?
    • When you fast, you deactivate growth pathways (like IGF-1, and mTOR) – both of which are activated by amino acids
      • The deactivation of these pathways is important for things like autophagy to occur
        • Autophagy is essentially this process by which the damaged components of cells are recycled for newer, healthier components
        • For example – damaged mitochondria can be cleared away
        • It’s like spring cleaning for the body
    • So you definitely want to avoid any amino acids while fasting 

What about electrolytes when fasting?  

  • As far as Rhonda knows, things like sodium, potassium, and magnesium are not disrupting the fasted state
    • So something like salt, would be fine
  • When doing a prolonged fast (3-10 days), things like sodium and potassium are depleted very quickly, and then the levels taper off

Has there been any evidence to suggest one type of fasting is more beneficial than others? 

  • The different types of fasting:
    • Intermittent fasting – fasting for up to 24 hours
    • Prolonged fasting – when you start fasting for 2 days or longer
    • Time-restricted eating – involves eating when your metabolism is optimal, and when you’re not eating, you’re fasting
      • So this might mean fasting for 16 hours, and eating all your food within an 8 hour window
      • “You’re eating within your circadian biology, in terms of when your metabolism is most optimal”
        • Your body’s metabolism isn’t that good at 8-9pm (and further on throughout the night)
        • If you eat at 10pm –
          • Your not going to be as insulin sensitive, so your blood glucose levels will be higher
          • Your fasting blood glucose levels will be higher
          • Your fatty acid metabolism isn’t as good (so you’re going to start to store fatty acids in adipose tissue rather than using them as energy – so you’ll gain more fat mass)
        • Eating late into the night, might also somehow be resetting your body’s clock
          • So your body thinks it’s the start time of metabolism (aka the morning), so the whole time you’re sleeping, your metabolism is at it’s best, and when you wake up in the morning, everything is misaligned in terms of your metabolism
  • What are the benefits of each?
    • With both time-restricted eating and intermittent fasting:
      • Some repair processes are activated (whether it’s to repair DNA or mitochondria)
    • With intermittent fasting and prolonged fasts:
      • Your body shifts from glucose/carbohydrate metabolism, to metabolizing fatty acids, and ketone bodies are produces
        • Ketone bodies have been shown to act as signaling molecules which activate genetic pathways which are known to delay age-related diseases
        • So ketones = anti-aging
        • Ketones also reduce damage generated by mitochondria 
    • With time-restricted eating:
      • You’re taking advantage of the body’s natural circadian clock, and eating only when your metabolism is most optimal
      • This improves your insulin sensitivity and fasting blood glucose levels
    • With prolonged fasting:
      • Prolonged fasts activate autophagy pathways and allows for the clearing away of damaged cells
      • Stem cells are activated, which eventually grow to healthy/normal cells, which replace the damaged cells that were cleared away
      • Organs actually shrink, and during the refeeding period, they regrow
      • (This doesn’t all happen during shorter fasts, IGF-1 levels don’t drop low enough)
  • What about the fasting mimicking diet (FMD)?
    • This is a protocol developed by Dr. Valter Longo
    • It’s a 5 day regimen, eating very low calorie (between 700 and 1000) – this mimics some of the benefits achieved with long term fasts
      • Organs can shrink and regrow with new/healthy cells
      • Insulin sensitivity and glucose levels also seem improve
    • For more on a FMD, check out these Podcast Notes
    • It’s essentially much easier to “do” than a long term fast
  • In summary..
    • Each type of fasting has it’s own benefits
    • It’s probably wise to combine them and do them all periodically 
      • So time-restrict your eating, and do period long term fasts

Will the consumption of exogenous ketones disrupt a fasting state? 

  • “Exogenous” just means it’s not produced in the body, it’s a supplement
  • Rhonda has tried this exogenous BHB ketone ester from HVMN
    • Ketone esters are very potent – they can raise your blood ketone levels significantly in a very short time span
    • But the effect doesn’t last for all that long – the more active you are, the quicker you’ll use up the ketone bodies
  • Rhonda recalls about 5 clinical studies which show that consuming exogenous BHB (BHB is just a type of ketone) esters, increases blood BHB levels (aka blood ketone levels), but it also decreases circulating free fatty acids
    • This suggests that you’re not taking fatty acids from your fat cells, and using them to make your own BHB (or ketones)
    • This means you’re not really getting the benefit of “fat loss”
    • When your blood ketone levels get high enough, essentially your body says, “Oh, great, we won’t need to make any more ketones”
  • So in short – think twice about consuming exogenous ketones on a fast, unless you’re an athlete who needs the extra fuel

Are there any downsides to training in the fasted state? 

  • Firstly, are there any benefits to eating prior to training?
    • Studies show that eating prior to exercise improves long duration aerobic exercise (aerobic = normal cardio, duration longer than 60 minutes – so it’d be great for long distance running) 
      • But eating prior to aerobic exercise less than 60 minutes in length, doesn’t seem to provide any benefits
    • Eating prior to anaerobic exercise (like running as hard as you possibly can until exhaustion) has been shown to improve performance 
  • What about the benefits of training in a fasted state?
    • Training in the fasted state allows for robust increases in glucose sensitivity, and enhancements in mitochondrial adaptations to using fatty acids (so your mitochondria become really primed for fatty acid use)
      • There’s also an increase in activity in genes that regulate fatty acid  metabolism 
      • When you feed before you train, those adaptations are blunted
  • In summary
    • If you’re just weight lifting with cardio – it’s probably beneficial to train fasted
  • On a related note…
    • It’s commonly thought there’s a short anabolic window after your workout that you HAVE to consume amino acids and protein 
    • Studies seem to show that this time window is longer than we thought – protein intake even hours after a workout is beneficial 
      • So you don’t need a protein shake immediately after you lift
      • HOWEVER – if you’re training fasted, know that you aren’t storing protein, so you may want to consume protein within an hour after lifting

Exploring the Growth Lonegevity Trade-Off 

  • What does this mean?
    • By fasting, you down regulate multiple aging pathways – IGF-1 and mTOR
    • But in order to build muscle through resistance training, you need to eat protein (which activates those same pathways)
  • Can you get the best of both worlds? Is the trade-off overstated?
    • The bad of IGF-1:
      • Multiple aging studies show that higher IGF-1 levels, over time, lead to higher incidences of cancer (the opposite is also true – people who have gene mutations which allow for lower IGF-1 have lower incidences of cancer)
        • People with gene mutations that raise their IGF-1 levels, have a great risk of developing cancer
        • Why? 
          • IGF-1 is a grow signal
          • When you have accumulated damage in your cells, there are signaling pathways which are activated, which essentially say – “This cell is too damaged to repair, it needs to be killed off”
            • The body kills the cell, through a process known as apoptosis (aka programmed cell death)
          • IGF-1 expressed at a high level, sort of negates this apoptosis mechanism, and encourages damaged cells to grow
      • IGF-1 also deactivates an important longevity pathway – FOXO
        • This pathway regulates all sorts of genes involves in repair, stem cell production, and autophagy
  • BUT – You actually need IGF-1 for some things
    • IGF-1 is necessary for growing and repairing muscle, which is important itself for longevity
      • Multiple studies have shown that muscle mass is really important for lowering all cause mortality, and preventing frailty 
    • IGF-1 also gets into the brain and serves as an important factor for growing new neurons, and helps prevent neurons from dying
    • Exercise helps bring IGF-1 into the brain, as well as the muscle (as opposed to having it float around the blood stream where it can go to other tissues)
      • So exercise is KEY for making sure IGF-1 is going to the right places
  • IGF-1 and Fasting
    • During prolonged fasts, IGF-1 drops significantly (resulting in autophagy, the activation of stem cells, and apoptosis)
    • When you refeed – you want IGF-1 levels to rise
      • This allows the stem cells to grow, and replenish the cells which were cleared away
  • To sum up…
    • As long as you’re exercising, don’t worry

What’s the ideal way to break a fast? 

  • Specifically after a prolonged fast:
    • You want to reactivate IGF-1 
    • What activates IGF-1 – amino acids
      • So eat some protein
    • Carbohydrates regulate IGF-1 bioavailability (they allow IGF-1 to be more bioavailable)
      • So include some carbs in your post fast meal
    • BUT – be careful
      • Your gut is much more sensitive after not eating for several days – so eat a small meal
      • Maybe eat some fruit, with some protein power

One Point to Add From Rhonda

  • Research shows that the polyphenols in coffee (even decaf coffee) activate autophagy

Coping with the Graveyard Shift: The Importance of Healthful Habits

By: Alice Robertson
If you have a 9-to-5 job, your only real challenge from a schedule standpoint is to get to bed on time, set the alarm clock and make sure the kids are up and ready for school. If, however, you’re a shift worker, things are quite different. Your body has to adjust to changes in sleep patterns to working at different times of the day or night and finding ways to maintain a normal social life. That can be tough if you’re not used to it. But if you maintain a healthy sleep routine, eat right and find ways to exercise, you might find working the graveyard shift actually agrees with you.
Keep your energy up
It’s tough to maintain the energy level you need working at odd times if you’re not taking care of yourself. That means eating a healthy diet, getting enough protein, and paying careful attention to the five basic food groups. Think of your body as a machine that needs the right fuel in the proper proportion. It’s important not to skimp on mealtimes or settling for the cheap and easy route by grabbing something from the vending machine at work because you didn’t make time for a healthy, well-rounded dinner before your shift. In fact, shift workers may need a healthful dietary schedule more than non-shift workers. Establishing a regular rhythm in your eating habits will go a long way in supporting your work schedule. It may take some doing, especially if it means eating breakfast at 8:30 p.m., lunch at 3:30 or 4 a.m., and dinner at 8 or 9 a.m. Stick to that routine. 

Sleeping the right way
Between 25 and 30 percent of shift workers struggle with insomnia and fatigue, and 10 percent of night shift workers suffer from shift work disorder. This is usually the most difficult part of being a shift worker, especially if you’re accustomed to the traditional 8-to-5 work schedule. Try establishing blocks of time for sleeping that you’ll observe no matter what happens. 
Getting the sleep you need is particularly important if your job is an especially stressful one. If you’re getting restful sleep, you’re better equipped to handle the daily challenges that cause stress. If you’re feeling tired, the chances you’ll lose patience increase. Remember, statistics show that adults need seven to nine hours of sleep to perform adequately. Good sleep habits and other self-care habits can be helpful to individuals who struggle with anxiety, depression and some form of substance addiction. Maintain habits that are conducive to good sleep by eliminating all light and turning off all screens in your sleep environment
On the other hand, technology can actually help you sleep better if you buy the right products. To block out daytime sounds, invest in a white-noise machine. A vibrating alarm clock won’t make your heart race when you wake. If you leave any light on, make sure it’s the type that filters blue light. And if you must have your phone with you in the bedroom, there are a variety of apps that can help you get a good day’s rest.
Social life
Being a shift worker can make things difficult on a spouse or partner. You’re on polar opposite schedules, which means you’re sleeping when your partner’s up and about. Set up an event calendar that helps track events and activities that are important to your family so you can adjust your sleep and work situation accordingly. Make sure your kids understand why your schedule is so different, and why you have to sleep during the day. As much as possible, maintain small family customs that mean a lot to your children. 
Working a job with hours you’re not used to can be a difficult adjustment for you and your family. Once you get into the groove and achieve the sleep and nourishment you need, the schedule will feel natural and you don’t have to sacrifice your family to the needs of your job. 

Courtesy of Pexels.

2/23 Day#41 Hero Saturday

U.S. Army Specialist Adam Hamilton, 22, of Kent, Ohio, assigned to the 4th Squadron, 4th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division, based in Fort Riley, Kansas, died on May 28, 2011 in Haji Ruf, Afghanistan, of wounds suffered when enemy forces attacked his unit with an improvised explosive device. He is survived by his father Scott Hamilton, step-mother Connie Hamilton, mother Nancy Krestan, brothers Brandon Hamilton and Nick Krestan, and sisters Shawney and Taya Hamilton.

Warm up 
Agility complex
800m run

2 rounds of:
5m - 10m - 15m
-Forward/ backward
-*10m broad jumps*

Body position on push ups and Pull ups

3 Rounds for time of:
1000m Row
50 Push-ups
1000m Run
50 Pull-ups

Friday, February 22, 2019

Robert's Fitness Journey

The word athlete and my name have never been used in the same sentence. Although I played some sports growing up (mostly baseball and softball) I was never any good. I don't know why, but I didn't have any desire to practice to be better.

When I was in high school I took weight lifting as a gym class. This was something I enjoyed and was pretty good at. The school had weight lifting competitions a few times a year and I did pretty well and always came out on top. The competition was essential an AMRAP of three exercises, how many times you can press 225 weight stack, dips and toe to bar. From that I joined a gym and worked out pretty regularly through my 20’s. 

As I think back, the first gym I joined was unique in that you had to know someone to become a member. You got a key for the place and went whenever you wanted 24/7. It was a down and dirty place with holes in the floor mostly free weights and very few machines. It was a great environment because there was no b.s. and that no matter when you went, there was always someone there who you could work out with.

I was pretty consistent until I was about 30. Between 30 and 50 I still exercised, but without any consistency. I was all over the place trying to find something I enjoyed. I tried so many different gyms, different trainers, MMA classes, and running. I hate to run but was able to go from barely being able to run to the end of the driveway to running 5k’s, 10k’s and half marathons.

Since I was a kid, work was always my focus and priority. It more or less takes precedence over most things.  As I was turning 40 I had some life changing situations and before I knew it I was 50, 255 lbs, not feeling healthy, my knees, shoulder and back were always in some kind of pain or discomfort. Although I was loving my life, wife and three young energetic kids I was very disappointed with my well being. I realized that I needed to make health and fitness a priority in my life if I was going to have any kind of longevity. So I started to mountain bike, but the knee pain was making it hard for me to walk afterwards. I also joined a gym again and tried to change my eating habits. I lost 10 lbs but quickly became bored doing arm curls or staring at the TV while on a elliptical. I knew that wasn't going to work long term. However, I was intrigued, but intimidated by what was happening at the back of the gym.  I convinced Ann Marie who was looking for a change too that she should go check it out. I sent her into the lion's den to see while I waited outside. She joined and I followed.

My initial intent was to do the CrossFit program like her.  By accident, I went to a 4:30 class that turned out not to be CrossFit, but a strength and conditioning class.  I quickly realized it was exactly what I was looking for. The perfect combination of strength training which I loved as a kid with just the right amount of cardio. The classes are well organized, challenging and always something new. The advice and guidance Coach Ray has provided has been invaluable. Early on in my training, I mentioned my knee pain to Coach Ray and he said I needed to get a ball and roll out my hips. I was thinking that makes no sense - why would I roll out my hips if my knees hurt but I will try anything. Before I knew it the knee pain was mostly gone. I have been part of 4 nutritional challenges so far and they have really helped me focus of my nutrition.

Since joining 10 months ago my knee, shoulder and back pain are basically gone.  I have lost about 30 more pounds and more than 10% body fat. I’m getting stronger with better mobility everyday. I am in better shape today at 51 than I was at 40.  I wake up every morning excited about and looking forward to class later that day. I still have much more to accomplish towards my health and well being but I’m psyched about it….

AMRAP Fitness was one of the best decisions I have ever made.
