Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Partner warm up
Partner jump overs
Partner push ups
Partner wall ball
Partner MB chest pass

·         Mobility- bully stretch
·         Bench press

Partner WOD
Complete 4 rounds of:
400m run
50 partner AB mat sit ups
Max effort bench press

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Warm up
Jump rope 2 minutes
Toes to bar
Wall climbs
GHD back ext

Skill- Squat clean thruster

Complete the following
Squat clean thruster 9-7-5
Pull ups 21-15-9

Monday, November 28, 2011


Todd learning to row

Warm up
400m run
Handstand 30 seconds
Pull ups
GHD sit ups
GHD Back ext

Skill- mobility floss hamstrings

3 rounds of:
Battle ropes
Jump overs
Row for calories
Double unders
*5 minutes of work followed by 1 minute rest*

Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Jerk for Sports

Split Jerk with Coach B. from Laurie Miller on Vimeo.

Greg Everett

August 5 2011

Mike Asks: In most sports full extension and the "follow through" are important - you drive through your legs, hips, torso, shoulders, and arms with a "follow through" after making contact with the ball, or the jaw.

In doing the jerk you pull away from, or drop under, the bar as it is driven upward, so the maximum effort comes before the full extension - I can think of no other sports in which this happens.

Wouldn't then the "push press" where the drive continues to full extension make more sense for athletes training for other sports?

Greg Says: Interesting thoughts and something I've never considered, so hopefully I can come up with a reasonably helpful answer.

First, it's important to clarify what's happening in a jerk. The athlete is by no means dropping or pulling away from the bar after the leg drive; he or she is actively pushing down under the bar. This is essentially the same upper body action as in the push press or press, but without the legs actively driving or anchored against the ground.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

The Bench Press

Greg Everett

July 27 2011

After curls, the bench press might be the most vilified lift among functional training enthusiasts and some in the weightlifting community. First, I like curls and I couldn’t care less about people doing them, whether for reasons of performance (yes, there are legitimate performance reasons for curls) or aesthetics, as long as in the latter situation it doesn’t interfere in any way with performance goals, assuming they exist (this is tough to do, but there are definitely cases of huge pipes preventing secure clean rack positions—but at least you’ll look good when you’re missing your lifts).

I can’t count how many times I‘ve had visitors to my gym who have brought up bench pressing to me. There are two different things that happen. The first is that the individual asks if we ever bench press out of genuine curiosity, assuming weightlifters don’t bench because of things they’ve read on the internet. The second is that the individual assumes we never bench press and proceeds to ridicule bench pressing and those who do it.

The fact is that you don’t see very much bench pressing at Catalyst Athletics. Our fitness clients bench press every fourth training cycle for a period of 6 weeks. It’s a good basic upper body pressing exercise that has plenty of utility. They don’t do it more than they do for a few simple reasons. First, they need exposure to more upper body pressing exercises such as the press, push press and dips and because we’re not running a pure strength program, we can’t do everything all the time. Second, most of our fitness clients come to us with orthopedic issues of some type, very commonly limited shoulder mobility, shoulder injury history and the like (unsurprisingly enough, often partly as a result of years of frequent bench pressing). And finally, it’s a relatively risky exercise simply because the benching athlete is more vulnerable to serious injury in the case of failed lifts than he or she is with lifts like the press or push press. When benching, our clients are required to have a spotter for this reason.

Next Week & Important info

Hello all:

First, I hope you received my last e-mail and read up on the links I provided....

Next, I would like to remind all of you that the first annual AMRAP holiday party is Saturday 12/10 from 3pm to 6pm... Children, spouses, and friends are welcomed... There will be food (non-Paleo & Paleo) and drink... feel free to bring something if you like... 

Saturdays, I understand some of you requested Saturdays... AMRAP needs 4 or more individuals to sign up in order to run class... sign ups are on the white board in the box... 

Also, we are holding a promotion for friends... If you have a friend(s) that is interested in CrossFit have them come in for a free class...

CrossFit Kids classes are Tuesday @ 4:30pm for ages 4 to 7 & Fridays @ 4:30pm for ages 8 to 11... the program has 3 weeks left with a make up class at the end of the 3 weeks... price for the program is prorated for late registration... 

Finally, Openings Next week:
  • Monday 11/28- partners needed @ 6am (STANDING);  partners needed @ 9:30am (STANDING);  partners needed @ 10:30am (STANDING)
  • Tuesday 11/29-  partners needed @ 5:30pm (STANDING)
  • Wednesday 11/30-  partners needed @ 6am (STANDING);  partners needed @ 9:30am (STANDING);  partners needed @ 10:30am (STANDING); partners needed @ 12:30pm (STANDING)
  • Thursday 12/1-  partners needed @ 9:30am (STANDING)
  • Friday 12/2-  partners needed @ 9:30am (STANDING);  partners needed @ 12:30pm (STANDING)

Please contact me for details & scheduling... Thank you!!!

"Kinda effort equals sorta results"
Ray Traitz

AMRAP Fitness
80 Red Schoolhouse Road, Unit 1100
Chestnut Ridge, NY 10977

Friday, November 25, 2011


Warm up
GHD sit up
GHD back ext
Wall climb

·         mobility shoulder distraction
·         pull up standard

For time:
Toes to rings 10-20-30-40-50
Pull ups 50-40-30-20-10

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thursday- Thanksgiving 2011

Warm up
Hollow rock
Sit ups

Skill- hip mobility pigeon

Partner WOD
15 minute AMRAP
Partner wall ball 10
Partner jump over crawl under 10
50ft duck walk

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Holiday Party 12/10 @ 4pm

Hello all:


I also wanted to to inform all of you that AMRAP Fitness will be having it's first annual Holiday party Saturday December 10th at 4pm.... Please sign up on the white board... Children are welcomed... 

In addition, I want to enlightened all of you on why we train they way we do... CrossFit preps all individuals regardless of age and skill level to improve functionality, mobility, work capacity, and mental toughness... 

The reason why I program workouts is to help all of you better your self one way or another... either heavy loads, long distances, high reps, difficult movements I want all of you to improve... There is a reason for the warm up, mobility work, skill work, and workout... 

Expressing that the weight is too heavy, or just taking the easy way shows that you will not take the risk to challenge yourself.... Challenging yourself leads to bigger achievements, and changes in your self... these changes are physical and what I personally value the most psychological... How does one expect to get stronger, lose weight, improve body composition, or improve one's flexibility with out putting in the effort???? Do you read what I have at the end of my e-mails????? It's in green just encase you missed it... 

Always remember: what you put into the workout is what you will get out of it... if you put half ass effort, then you will have a half ass workout... On the other hand, if you put your heart and soul into it... well your on your way to become a different person...  

Your coach knows whats best for you and is working just as hard as you to see how we can improve together... If you follow what is prescribed, push your elf and do your do diligence (homework: hydration, nutrition, &flexibility) I guarantee success... 
If you have time PLEASE read the following, this will open your eyes and give clarity on what we do and why we do it:

"Kinda effort equals sorta results"
Ray Traitz

AMRAP Fitness
80 Red Schoolhouse Road, Unit 1100
Chestnut Ridge, NY 10977


Partner Warm up
Partner jump over
Partner push ups
Partner carry

·         Shoulder distraction (elbow/lat)
·         Thrusters

For time:
Ring dips

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Warm up
Run 400m
Inversion to skin the cat
Toes to bar
Super rocks
Wall climbs
Hollow rocks

Skill- HSPU

5 rounds of (NFT):
300m run

Monday, November 21, 2011

45 Day Challenge Winners

1st place

2nd place

3rd place

1st place


Coach Suzanne

Warm up
2 minutes jump rope
Wall ball
Toes to rings
Pull ups
Back ext

·         Mobility- hip distraction pigeon
·         Dead lifts

Dead lifts
5 X 3

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Steak or Veggie Burger: Which is Greener?

A lifelong vegetarian eats her first hamburger—to find out the truth.

Power Athlete Garage Gym

Hey John,
Thought it would be badass to have an article on setting up a cffb garage gym.
Thank you,


Thanks for the suggestion. I read your question a few weeks ago, thought it over and agree there should be a equipment list for a CFFB garage gym.
The gym should have basic useful equipment with no frills. Let’s assume you won’t have a ton a room, so everything needs to be multi-purpose.
I feel you should ask yourself one question when selecting equipment.
Would Conan or Rocky has used this in their training?
- I think the most versatile piece of equipment out there is the Base Station/Yoke of Goergen from Sorinex or the Yoke from Rogue…it reminds me of the wheel Conan pushes. You can squat, bench, press, do pull ups & chin ups, use it as a push/pull sled, as a yoke and for farmer’s carries. You can attach a platform for box jumps, attach a dip bar and attach bands for dynamic work. This single piece of equipment covers about 80% of what you will need.

- Adjustable utility bench.
- Texas Power Bar + a good bar with bearings that spin. You don’t have buy an Eleiko bar, but something that spins is a good idea when doing the Olympic lifts.
- 400 lbs of rubber weights + 300 lbs of iron weights.
- Pair of adjustable dumbbell handles (this is where the 25 lbs iron plates come in handy, as you can make your own dumbbells) for DB bench, single arm DB rows, ect.
- The Prowler Sled – There are several different types on the Internet or you can find some to weld one up. They are pretty basic and are great for pushing and even better for dragging.

- One 2-pood Kettlebell.

- Concept 2 rower or Aerodyne bike. The aerodyne takes up less room than the C2. Both are great pieces of equipment.
- 1 green 50 pound ball slam from Muscle Driver. They have a 5 year warranty.
- 12-20 lbs sledge hammer from Home Depot and a big tractor tire. The tires can be found for free, just takes some searching.
- 4 sheets of plywood and 3-4 rubber stall mats. The wood can be found at Home Depot and the stall mats can be found at a local livery supply store. While you are there pick up a large horse trough, great for taking an ice bath on hot days.

That is about all you will need to accomplish 99% of the workouts and about all a person could possibly need. One piece to remember is a GHD machine, it is extremely useful for training the posterior chain.

My goal, is to one day have my own backyard gym. Since I live in sunny Southern California, there is no need to fill up the garage with equipment, as the weather is good all year around. Even though, I own my own gym, I have long wished to have weights in the backyard. Now I just need to get a backyard.


Friday, November 18, 2011


AMRAP chicks are tough

Jump rope 2 minutes
Dynamic walk
Toes to rings

Floss hamstrings

Partner WOD
15 minute AMRAP
Row 15 calories
Double unders
(jump rope until your partner is done rowing)

Thursday, November 17, 2011


Happy Birthday Felicia!

Partner Warm up
Jump over crawl under
Partner push ups
Partner wall ball
MB chest passes


Complete the following:
25-20-15-10-5 push ups
1 Jerk (after each set of push ups)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Dear Parent(s),

Thank you for enrolling your child in our CrossFit Kids program at AMRAP Fitness.  
 Ray Traitz & Suzanne Traitz will be supervising, designing and implementing a unique, educational and fun program for your child or children.  

This program will help motivate our youth to exercise and get involved in extracurricular as well as recreational activities.  Not only will the program encourage children physically, it will assist in building respect, teamwork, self-confidence, self-esteem and social skills.

We encourage parents of our students to meet and speak with us prior to class about any issues or concerns.  Parents are always welcomed to watch our lessons.  We feel creating a relationship and channel of communication between parent(s) and instructors will be extremely beneficial for everyone.

Series I will begin the week of November 14th  and end the week of December 12th with a makeup week during December 19th .

If your child has a sibling and/or friend between the ages of 4 and 11 who is interested in joining the program, we are still accepting enrollment.

ALL children must be dropped off and picked up after all classes.

Class times:
·        Tuesday ages (4 to 7) 4:30pm to 5:25pm
·         Fridays ages (8 to 11) 4:30pm to 5:25pm

If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thanks again for your interest in CrossFit kids here at AMRAP Fitness!


Warm up
Jump to cross bar
Lunge medley (forward/lateral/reverse)
Squat hold jump
Push ups

Stone ground to shoulder

Partner WOD
Four rounds for time:
30 box jumps (ping pong)
20 stone ground to shoulder (ping pong)
300m run

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Reminder.... Today is day #1 for AMRAP's CrossFit Kids program ages 4 to 7...

Jump rope 2 minutes
Duck walk
Walking Sampson
Pull ups
Hollow rocks
Super rocks
Hold super plank

Skill- OHS


Monday, November 14, 2011

DAY #45 End of the Challenge! Monday

Congrats to all of you who stuck through the whole 45 days... Pictures & weigh ins will be today!!!

Good Luck!

Warm up
400m run
Roll back reach
Inversion to skin the cat
Kick up to hand stand
Toes to bar
Lateral lunges
Hand stand hold

Mobility- hip distraction with hip rotation

“Challenge Benchmark”
15 minute AMRAP
10 push ups
10 sit ups
15 air squats