Friday, August 10, 2018

Barry's Story

My Fitness Journey
By Barry Slivka 

My journey began back in or around 2006.  I was completely out of shape and overweight.  I recall playing in a basketball game whereby I had called for a substitute after running up and down the court in the first minute of play.  I got a lot of laughs but in reality, it was not that funny.   At 28 years old, I did not have the ability to run up and down the court against guys who were 10-15 years older.  I played sports my entire life, and I have always been a competitive person. Talking trash is my special talent but now it is being used against me!   How did we get to this point, I thought to myself? It is no secret for anybody who knows me that I like to eat.  I am an avid lover of pizza, pasta and Chinese food.  You know, the building blocks of any paleo pyramid… lol .  

I stood at 5’11” and weighed 212lbs.  My triglycerides were off the charts; I was taking 2 TRICOR pills a day; 4 medicated fish oil pills (Lovaza); a statin and my cholesterol was over 300 when tested.  Then, I was put on some additional medication which caused hot flashes, similar to the feeling that you get when you take C4.  I was drawing blood every 3 months and as a result, I was starting to get annoyed.  The doctors made it clear that I should exercise.  Like most people, I brushed it off and did no such thing.  I continued down a reckless path until acid reflux became my newest problem.  At that point, my doctors did not hold back and reminded me of my grandfather’s heart history and the medication that my father was taking.  It was not until the doctor actually patted my stomach and made a comment about me losing my hair that I hit my low point. 

I had thought long and hard about trying Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.   I went as far as to sign up for the 6AMclass but they did not have enough students, so it was cancelled.  I then had a buddy, AKA the Wizard, who had been working out with Ray at  THE GYM.  I went for a trial session and was told that Ray was too advanced for me at the age of 28.  That did not sit well with me.  I spent the next three months working with another trainer until I jumped into the 7AM group and the rest, as they say, is history.   

I am now 40 and take no medication at all.   All of my numbers: LHL, HDL, Triglycerides and Cholesterol are all in line, and I am in better shape today at 40 than I have ever been in my life.  Coach Ray has figured out a way to keep me motivated, healthy and in shape all the same time.  So, coming from one of his oldest (in terms of duration) members, I thank you.   


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