CrossFit South Rockland

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

2012 CrossFit Open Hype

By: Leigh LeGare

            It’s that time again! The 2012 Reebok Crossfit Games Open is right around the corner. With registration beginning on February 1st, and the release of the first WOD on February 22nd, CrossFitters from all over the world will be able to showcase their abilities in hopes of being crowned the “Fittest in the World.”
            Last year, Reebok joined forces with CrossFit and the dynamic duo garnered 26,000 registered athletes worldwide, who performed one workout a week for six weeks. This was by far CrossFit’s best showing of athleticism and participation on its road to the Games.  Considering all the publicity and hype the Games received this year, it will be interesting to see the numbers Reebok and CrossFit will put together for this year’s Open.

        That being said, last year’s Open was an amazing experience, and one you can join this year!  I strongly encourage you to get involved in this year’s Open.  You may not be striving to become the next Annie Thorsdottir or Rich Froning, (and even better if you are) but I can assure you, there are a few reasons to participate in the Open:

  1.  Do it for you!  The Open is a great way to motivate and push yourself beyond normal limits.  A competitive edge is added when you are able to check your standings each week, and rankings daily.  Or, if you’re like me, you’ll find yourself checking your ranking on an hourly basis!  The Open allows you to gauge where you are within the CrossFit world (literally!).  Find a name within your region, stalk their stats on their Reebok CrossFit profile, and claim him/her as your doppelganger during the Open.
  2. Do it for your fellow CrossFitter!  Many affiliates incorporated the Open WODs into their weekly programming.  If this was your box and you technically weren’t registered, you still participated in the Open!  How is that possible?  Well, I’m pretty sure you didn’t take the WOD lightly because that’s not how CrossFitters operate.  In order to complete the WOD, you were probably busting your tail, which in return forced others to push even harder, which pushed you even more.  It’s a beneficial cycle that without you, your friends’ numbers or rankings wouldn’t have been as high on the Open scoreboard.  
  3. Do it for your CrossFit box!  Last year’s Open not only focused on individual performances but brought in the team dynamic of the competition.  The top affiliates of each region were able to have some of their best members represent their “box” at Regionals with only the top three affiliate teams advancing to the Games.  Some affiliates held tryouts for their team while others used the individual results from the Open to determine who would be representing them at Regionals.  I can’t say this is how it will be this year as HQ could throw a curve ball at us.  However, I can say the team aspect of the Open and Regionals allowed many affiliates to highlight their athletes in a way that brought a stronger sense of pride and community to their box.
         The Open took over the lives of affiliates and members for six weeks.  It was six weeks of having set times or days to perform Open WODs.  It was a great opener to prep the world for the “road to the Games!”  At the global level, the competition wasn’t solely focused at the individual level.  Instead, the focus was on how an individual’s numbers could not only help him/her advance but also help the affiliate produce a team to compete at Regionals with an eye toward making it to the Games. 

        Again, participate in the Open in some way!  If you’ve been toying with registering, go for it!  If you’re teetering on the edge of whether or not to register, read the reasons stated above again!  Chances are likely you’ll have others at your box who are competing and need other registered athletes to help keep up the intensity of the Open within their box.  There could be a WOD released catering to your strengths, and your numbers may be needed to help your box advance.  Throw yourself into the adventure of the Open and get excited for the hype and improvement it will bring to you, your fellow CrossFitters, and your box!  You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain!  If anything, it’ll help solidify why you joined this crazy community we call CrossFit!

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