Thursday, December 1, 2016

Day#39 Week#7 Loading

Warm up
The Complex
3 minute jump rope complex
10 singles/ 10 singles as fast as possible/ 10 singles/ 10 double unders

-Push up complex (5 close/ 5 shoulder with apart/ 5 ultra wide)
-Pull up complex (5 close/ 5 shoulder with apart/ 5 ultra wide)
-Mid section complex (5 tucks/ 5 v-ups/ 5 Hollow rocks)
-Posterior complex (5 superman/ 5 super rock/ 5 good morning)
-Stationary lunge complex (5 forward lunges/ 5 lateral lunges/ 5 reverse lunges)

Weighted push ups

Partner WOD
20 minute ping pong
25m prowler push w/90 m/180
Weighted push up w/25 plate m/45 plate (partner can break push ups in set of 5)


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