Saturday, August 31, 2019

Hero Saturday 8/31

1st Lt. Michael E. Johnson, 25, of the U.S. Marine Corps 7th Communications Battalion, 3rd Marine Headquarters Group, III Marine Expeditionary Force, headquartered in Okinawa, Japan, died September 8, 2009 while supporting combat operations in Kunar province, Afghanistan.

He is survived by his wife Durinda Johnson.

The "Johnson" Hero WOD was first posted on as the workout of the day for Friday, July 9, 2010.

Warm Up 
A- Mash lats & quads/ 2x 7 deliberate ring rows + 7 front rack lateral lunges

B- Clean Warm Up
Band rack stretch
Banded overhead shoulder circles + band pull aparts
Bar behind neck force extension both directions
(Add overhead if necessary)
Front squats

Clean technique (add jerk if necessary)
Hit each drill for 5 reps without taking a break:
Tall Clean High-Pull
Muscle Clean
Front Squat
Tall Clean
Press in Clean (Front rack Sots press)

Muscle ups

20 minute AMRAP 
9 Deadlifts w/165# m/245#
8 Muscle-ups
9 Squat Cleans w/105 m/155#

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