Friday, November 30, 2018
Justine's Fitness Journey
Where do I begin..
growing up in an Italian family I loved food, pasta every sunday, ice cream during the weekdays, wasn't really going to the gym at the time until I jumped on the scale and nearly fell over. My best friend said there was a new gym in Pearl River opening so I decided to sign up. Started taking classes like spinning, then some classes with weight training, yet I still wasn't feeling strong or confident.
Then I started watching some videos on YouTube with CrossFit, my husband which was my boyfriend at the time said I should try it out, I told him he was out of his mind. Luckily I found Ray & AMRAP Fitness handing out flyers at vision, decided why not? Walking in for my first class was skeptical at first but the environment was so positive and motivating that the fear went away. I learned how to eat better...for the most part haha, challenge myself to lift heavier weight and have confidence in myself. I have never met a coach with more patience (when I'm not driving him crazy) then Ray. 3 years and still going strong probably the best lifestyle change I ever made!
I love AMRAP Fitness and the community and would't trade it for anything.
11/30 Day#26
Warm up
Band Complex Drills
1 mile run
-back peddle
-side shuffle
-broad jump 10m
Sled dragging
800m sled drag
W #65/ M #95
Thursday, November 29, 2018
11/29 Day#25
Single Arm DB Warm up #2
10 DB deadlifts (5 right/ 5 left)
OH DB carry 10m right/ 10m left
10 DB row (5 right/ 5 left)
Rack DB carry 10m right/ 10m left
10 DB cleans (5 right/ 5 left)
DB farmers carry 10m right/ 10m left
10 DB thrusters (5 right/ 5 left)
DB snatches
A- 7 minutes to find your 1 rep MAX (both sides) squat DB snatch
B- Hand Grenade
12 DB snatches
50m DB shuttle
10 DB snatches
50m DB shuttle
8 DB snatches
50m DB shuttle
(W/70# M/100#)
*7 minute time cap*
Single Arm DB Warm up #2
10 DB deadlifts (5 right/ 5 left)
OH DB carry 10m right/ 10m left
10 DB row (5 right/ 5 left)
Rack DB carry 10m right/ 10m left
10 DB cleans (5 right/ 5 left)
DB farmers carry 10m right/ 10m left
10 DB thrusters (5 right/ 5 left)
DB snatches
-DB snatch (Left)
-DB farmers carry (Right)
-DB snatch (Right)
-DB farmers carry (Left)
Wednesday, November 28, 2018
11/28 Day#24
Warm up
400m partner plate carry
Partner push ups low five
Partner sit ups
Partner plank lateral jumps
Partner alternating pull ups
Partner push ups low five
Partner sit ups
Partner plank lateral jumps
Partner alternating pull ups
Movement standards
Movement standards
Partner WOD
Obstacle Course
15 minute ping pong
4 ladder climbs
100m partner plate carry (3 plates)
2x scale wall
100m partner plate carry (3 plates)
2x net climbs
2x scale wall
100m partner plate carry (3 plates)
25m low sled push
100m partner plate carry (3 plates)
15 minute ping pong
4 ladder climbs
100m partner plate carry (3 plates)
2x scale wall
100m partner plate carry (3 plates)
2x net climbs
2x scale wall
100m partner plate carry (3 plates)
25m low sled push
100m partner plate carry (3 plates)
Cool Down
Ping pong
Single arm farmers walk
Single arm OH carry
Front carry
Ping pong
Single arm farmers walk
Single arm OH carry
Front carry
Tuesday, November 27, 2018
11/27 Day#23
Warm up
Pass ball
With ball/MB
Object it to knock down opponents pin for a point
*Once position of ball you can only take two steps
4 Rounds For Time:
400 Meter Run
10 Stone GTS
(W/95# M/145#)
400 Meter Run
10 Stone GTS
(W/95# M/145#)
Warm up
Pass ball
With ball/MB
Object it to knock down opponents pin for a point
*Once position of ball you can only take two steps
Movement standards
-KB squats
-Mountain climbers
Monday, November 26, 2018
A Unique Form of Therapy: The Physical and Mental Benefits of Cleaning
A Unique Form of Therapy: The Physical and Mental Benefits of Cleaning
By: Alice Robertson
Cleaning is a remarkable form of therapy. Transforming one’s home from a cluttered, disheveled, dusty mess into a well-ordered, clean-smelling space confers a strong feeling of accomplishment and a sense of relief and ease that’s difficult to describe and harder to equal. It confers powerful mental and emotional benefits, as well as the satisfaction and reassurance that you can take control of circumstances and begin a healthier lifestyle. After a thorough cleaning, your home looks great and feels fresh — and so do you.
Mental Benefits
Studies have shown that there is a definite connection between clutter and stress; a cluttered living space can leave you feeling as though your life is out of control, which generates an anxious feeling of incompletion that makes it harder to get through other daily tasks. And it can make other problems — even insignificant ones — seem much bigger than they really are. Decluttering helps alleviate that stress by establishing a space in which you can relax.
There’s also a strong sense of renewal. Once a dirty house has been cleaned you’re on the verge of a fresh start, which leaves you feeling anything is possible and that you can alter other problems and begin anew. Most importantly, it’s a basis for altering the state of your mental health and adding healthy personal habits to your daily routine that build on the personal momentum a good cleaning and decluttering can initiate.
Cleaning also alleviates depression. When you get home after a stressful day at work only to be confronted with a dirty, disorganized home, the cortisol levels that have built up over the course of the day are reinforced so you’re unable to relax. Your sleep, mood, and sense of optimism suffer, leaving you feeling strung out and unable to carry out your normal daily routine.
Physical Benefits
One of the great benefits of cleaning is that you can improve your mental state with your own hands. By carrying out all those old boxes you’ve been staring at for months, you’ve taken control of the situation and done something resolutely positive. It’s not unlike the sense of accomplishment one might get from running or bicycling further and faster than ever before.
And there’s a chance a dirty house could be contributing to illness in your family. As HomeAdvisor explains, “Issues like mold, radon and carbon dioxide can be hazardous to your health. If your home contains one or more of these elements, you may be at risk for ailments that could have been avoided!” And, of course, cleaning improves your physical environment when you clear out all those allergens and toxins that constitute a threat to respiratory health.
Creating a clean space also encourages better personal health habits, including eating healthier foods. The August 13, 2013, issue of the journal Psychological Science published a study in which people working in an orderly space for just 10 minutes tended to choose an apple over a chocolate bar, unlike people who worked in a messy space for that period of time. The study’s conclusion was that people in a disordered environment are apt to seek out coping mechanisms, such as choosing less healthy “comfort” foods.
A similar study in the Journal of Obesity found that people who are inclined to stay organized in their personal habits were more likely to stick with their exercise routines. It concluded that one feels more in tune with the progress the body is making and you’re more enthusiastic about exercise and the possibility of further progress.
Giving your home a good cleaning and decluttering is about more than just tidying up and good hygiene. It’s an exercise in good mental and physical health. So, if you’ve been feeling guilty about procrastinating, consider that rolling up your sleeves and giving the place a good going over will help you feel better in general.
Image courtesy of
11/26 Day#22
Gymnastics #9 Warm up
10 ring rows
Walking lunge complex 10m
10 planche push ups
Inchworm 10m
10 Hollow rocks
Toy soldiers 10m
10 Super rocks
Walking pigeon 10m
10 single leg bridges R/L
Rope climbs
12 minute AMRAP
(In a weight vest w/25# m/45#)
Rope climbs 1-2-3-4-5…
Walking lunges 10m-15m-20m-25m-30m…
Sunday, November 25, 2018
Cave paintings show that around 8,000 years ago, honey was first being used by humans, although there was no evidence of humans keeping and cultivating colonies of bees until 2,400 BC. Honey was a mainstay in the medical practices of many cultures for centuries. Over 4,000 years ago, honey was used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine, where it was thought to be effective in treating indigestion and imbalances in the body. Before its use by Ancient Egyptians, honey was rubbed onto the skin to treat wounds and has been found in medicinal substances from over 5,000 years ago.
Honey isn't Just Sugar!
Though highly regarded in ancient civilizations, honey is not appreciated enough in today's modern societies. The liquid is so sweet and comforting that many people do not give its healing abilities a second thought.
Conventional nutritional authorities claim that sugar is sugar, regardless of its source or state. They however, do not realize that the bee has added an extra goodness of their own. Honey possesses unique life-supporting qualities not found in other sugars and delivers much more than what many medical doctors could comprehend.
Know that not all sugars are made equal and don't be too quick to dismiss honey as just another sugar. Honey isn't just sugar. It is more than just the sum of its sugars. There is more than meets the eye!
The benefits of honey don't just stop at satisfying the palate; honey also offers incredible antiseptic, antioxidant and cleansing properties for our body and health, valuable beauty and skin care tips for ladies, and amazing healing properties as a head-to-toe remedy, from eye infection to athlete foot.). Its powerful healing attributes have long been used thousands of years ago and known to promote healing for cuts, cure ailments and diseases, and correct health disorders for generations after generations.
According to new research, if you can switch out your intake of refined sugar and use pure raw honey instead, the health benefits can be enormous.
What is raw honey? It’s a pure, unfiltered and unpasteurized sweetener made by bees from the nectar of flowers. Most of the honey consumed today is processed honey that’s been heated and filtered since it was gathered from the hive. Unlike processed honey, raw honey does not get robbed of its incredible nutritional value and health powers.
Healthy Weight Management
Research studies have linked honey consumption with weight loss. A San Diego State University study found that replacing sugar with honey can actually help prevent packing on extra pounds and also lower blood sugar. The results also suggest that in comparison to sugar, honey may lower serum triglycerides.
Another study from the University of Wyoming found that raw honey can activate hormones that suppress the appetite. In the double-blind randomly assigned study, appetite hormones and glycemic responses were measured in 14 healthy non-obese women after consuming a breakfast containing either honey or sugar. Overall, researchers concluded that honey consumption offers potential obesity protective effects.
Counters Pollen Allergies
Raw honey contains bee pollen, which is known to ward off infections, provide natural allergy relief and boost overall immunity. Honey’s ability to prevent allergies is based on a concept called immunotherapy. How so? The bees in your neighborhood go from flower to flower collecting pollen that causes you to suffer, but when you consume local raw honey, you also consume that same offending local pollen. After some time, an allergy sufferer may become less sensitive to this pollen that previously caused problems and experience less seasonal allergy symptoms. Many seasonal allergy sufferers have found local, raw honey to be helpful because it desensitizes them to the fauna triggering their allergic reaction.
A 2013 study found that eating honey at a high dose (one gram per kilogram of body weight of honey daily) can improve allergy symptoms over a period of eight weeks. Researchers absorbed that the honey consumption improved overall and individual symptoms of allergic rhinitis. Allergic rhinitis is an allergic response that causes itchy, watery eyes, sneezing and other similar symptoms.
Some people say that a daily tablespoon of honey can actually act like an allergy shot. The type of honey is key though since pasteurized honey does not contain any pollen. For possible seasonal allergy relief, you need to consume raw honey with pollen in it.
Rich in Antioxidants
High-quality honey contains many important antioxidants. These include organic acids and phenolic compounds like flavonoids. Scientists believe that the combination of these compounds gives honey its antioxidant power. Interestingly, two studies have shown that buckwheat honey increases the antioxidant value of your blood. Antioxidants have been linked to reduced risk of heart attacks, strokes and some types of cancer. They may also promote eye health.
Natural Energy Source
Raw honey contains natural sugars (80 percent), water (18 percent), and minerals, vitamins, pollen and protein (2 percent). It’s not surprising that honey has been called “the perfect running fuel.” It provides an easily absorbed supply of energy in the form of liver glycogen, making it ideal for energetic morning starts and as a pre- and post-exercise energy source.
Studies at the University of Memphis Exercise and Sports Nutrition Laboratory have shown honey to be one of the best choices of carbohydrate to consume right before exercising. Additionally, studies have revealed that as a sporting fuel, honey performs on a par with glucose, which is the sugar used in most commercial energy gels.
Boosts Memory
The sweet nectar is loaded in antioxidants that may help prevent cellular damage and loss within the brain. A 2011 study published in Menopause found a daily spoonful of Malaysian honey may boost postmenopausal women’s memory, which can provide an alternative therapy for the hormone-related intellectual decline. After four months of taking 20 grams of honey a day, the women were more likely to have better short-term memory than their counterparts who took hormone pills.
Honey’s ability to help the body absorb calcium, according to Brennecke, helps aid brain health. The brain needs calcium in order to process thought and make decisions. “As our populations continue to get older and older, the likelihood of dementia setting in because of poor intake of vitamins and minerals continues to get higher and higher,” he said.
Preventing acid reflux
Recent research has shown that honey can reduce the upward flow of stomach acid and undigested food by lining the esophagus and stomach. This has helped to reduce the risk of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). GERD can cause inflammation, acid reflux, and heartburn.
Relieving cold and cough symptoms
The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends honey as a natural cough remedy. The American Academy of Pediatrics also recognizes honey as a treatment for a cough. However, they advise that honey is not suitable for children under the age of one year. A 2007 study by Penn State College of Medicine suggested that honey reduced night-time coughing and improved sleep quality in children with upper respiratory infection to a greater degree than the cough medicine dextromethorphan.
Sleep Promoter
Raw honey promotes restorative sleep in two ways. By consuming honey before bedtime, it restocks the liver’s glycogen supply and prevents the brain from triggering a crisis search for fuel, which can wake you up. Secondly, eating raw honey fosters the release of melatonin in the brain by creating a small spike in insulin levels, which stimulates the release of tryptophan in the brain. Tryptophan converts to serotonin, which is then converted to melatonin.
Melatonin also boosts immunity and helps rebuild tissue during periods of rest. Poor sleep, by comparison, has been shown to be a risk factor for hypertension, obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke and arthritis. As honey is a proven natural sleep aid, it naturally lowers the risk of all these health problems.
Diabetes Aid
Consumption of raw honey can reduce the risk of developing diabetes and help aid medication used to treat diabetes. The combination of raw honey and cinnamon can be especially beneficial to healthy blood sugar management, as well as many other health concerns like gingivitis and acne.
Lower cholesterol
It can help reduce cholesterol and, therefore, decrease your risk for coronary artery disease.
Improves circulation
Raw honey makes your brain function optimally by strengthening the heart and improving blood circulation.
Treats Dandruff
Honey can bring temporary relief to the scalp by targeting dandruff. A 2001 study published in the European Journal of Medical Research found applying honey diluted with 10 percent warm water to problem areas and leaving it on for three hours before rinsing led to itch relief and no scaling within a week. Skin lesions healed within two weeks and patients even showed an improvement in hair loss. The patients did not relapse even after six months of use.
Thanks to honey's antibacterial and antifungal properties, it can also treat seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff, which are often caused by an overgrowth of fungus. Moreover, “honey also has anti-inflammatory properties, which address the redness and itching on the scalp,” Brennecke said.
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Nataliya Olifer |
Saturday, November 24, 2018
The holidays are coming!
The holidays go by in a blur and they can be some of our most memorable times and also some of our most stressful of times.
Many people struggle this time of the year with their nutrition and fitness goals due to this stress.
Let’s talk about some tools for navigating the many seasonal treats, beverages and social gatherings so that we can slow down, enjoy these moments, and truly savor all that this holiday season has to offer.
11/24 Day#20 Hero Saturday
The shoulder Warm up
2 minutes jump rope
Planche push ups
Handstand force the extension for 30 seconds
OH Duck walk 10m
Crab walk 10m
Ultra wide supine grip pull ups
Rope climbs & HSPU
25 minute AMRAP
8 Box Jump w/24” m/30”
1 Rope Climb, 15'
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