CrossFit South Rockland

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Day#41 Battle of the Boxes

10 minute AMRAP
***5 point deduction each time any gear hits the ground***
15 squats (front squats 1 point/ OHS 2 points)
150m run with all of the equipment (5 point deduction each time anything hits the ground)
3 bar jump (each team member at least knee height)
Open weight M#185/W#115
Masters M#145/W#95

7 minutes to find your 1 rep max 
Log press (STRICT)
Each team member will find their 1 rep max and individual efforts will be added together for a TEAM total in pounds

7 minute AMRAP
All 4 team members are working at once. NO TRADE OFFS!
Rope climb & double unders
In order for a rope climb to count your partner must double under continuously until the climber gets to the top (1 rope climb 1 point)

Muscle up & pistol
In order for a muscle up to count your partner must execute 4 pistol squats (1 muscle up 2 points)

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