CrossFit South Rockland

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

30 day experiment

The 30 day experiment will begin 12/1 and end 12/30.

As you know we must spent time and effort in learning how nutrition effects our wellbeing. All of us have different goals for example, cutting down or eliminating prescription medications, feeling better, becoming more productive in our lives, increasing our energy levels, losing some body fat, or increasing our performance in the box. 

Partaking in the 30 day experiment requires everyone to record meal, snacks, and beverages in a log (you bite it you write it). This also gives you the ability to be SMART (specific, measurable, actionable, relevant and timely) with your goal(s) in mind.

This experiment requires everyone partaking to go 100% strict for 30 straight days, which is the most effective path to the results your all of you want. Always remember, “Kidna effort equals kinda results”. It’s only 30 days and what you put in you’ll get out.

I will be giving a lecture Saturday 11/28 at 10:30am on specific guidelines and recommendations on how to reach your goal(s). Here you can ask questions, take notes, and meet individuals who previously experienced the food experiment.

During this challenge I will place you in teams of three or four depending on your personal GOALS (fat loss/ muscle gain/ performance). Here you will create a positive support system. It is strongly encouraged that your TEAM communicates on a daily basis via email (Coach must be included). This will help keep all of you motivated and focused. Use the TEAM as a resource for trading recipes, food suggestions, and exedra.

Our main focus is not performance or aesthetics. The whole idea of the 30 day experiment is for you to become an overall "healthy" individual. Once again, this will help you change your life. 

At the end of the challenge each participant is required to write a short essay or submit a video, documenting your results and experience. This will tie together your efforts and show yourself how much you improved as an individual.

If you have any further question or concerns please contact me.

I hope your ready!!! I am...


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