CrossFit South Rockland

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

This week!

Hey Gang,

I hope you have been researching the Paleo Diet... instead of asking what can and can't I eat, I am giving you the responsibility to look it up on your own... I do not know what you like and dislike in terms of food... you can put together meals by picking out what you can eat... this is a challenge, and I'm telling you... IT IS NOT GOING TO BE EASY... I don't want you to wimp out becaue you travel, have kids, don't have time, etc...
IT'S A CHALLENGE... Step up your game and I promise you results... Remember I will not hold your hand through this... You are adults and are in control of you decisions...

If you are reading this I suggest becoming a follower of this blog... you will responsible to post comments and encorage each other during this 30 day challenge... I will keep you posted on the start date...


Workout 1:
Split jerk

Tabata Run/Row

Workout 2:
Complete 5 rounds followed by a 3 minute rest:
Run/Row 600m
50 air squats

Workout 3:
Complete the following:
75 DB thrusters
Run/Row 1600m
100 push-ups

Part 2:
30 KB snatch
50 burpees
75 V-ups
75 sit-ups

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