CrossFit South Rockland

Sunday, July 21, 2013

New 45 Day Experiment begins tomorrow July 22nd and will end September 5th.

Here are a few rules:
  1. Everyone regardless of what category your in must be 100% PALEO with exceptions of dietary supplements.
  2. It is mandatory for all TEAMs to cc me or include me in daily emails or text messages. This will aid in locating misunderstanding in terms of food(s) or portions.
    • Messages or conversations must include:
      • Times of each meal
      • Portions of protein, carbs, and fat each meal
      • Ounces of water drank
      • Finally information you would like to share with your TEAM
        • WOD results
        • Food tips
        • Positive encouragement 
Remember this is a major part of your success as an individual and a TEAM. Missing conversations from teammates will count against the TEAM.


Fat loss:

Joe D./ Lily B./ Nikki S./ Jim G.
Barry S./ Chad S./ Sarena K.
Jen Cr./ Chai C./ Naphtali M./ Max Y.(Dave O.)
Deb L./ Bella F./ Jr S.
Jen B./ Jen Con./ Jeannine B.
Garry C./ Joe K./ Sam H./ Felipe P.
Muscle Gain:
Dean B./ Mike D./ Will R./ Seth H.
Robyn R./ Jill H./ John L./ (Dave O.)

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