CrossFit South Rockland

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Day#26 Week#4 Loading Battle of the Boxes II

Battle of the Boxes II WODs

Event #1

Ping pong G2 OH squat snatch or squat C & J (squat clean thruster is acceptable) carry
Men open at #135 and add #20 after the completion of each round.
Women open at #95 and add #10 after the completion of each round.

Event will be scored by rounds and reps

7 minute AMRAP
7 G2 squat to OH between the two athletes
138m carry of loaded bar

Ping pong ground to overhead carry
Masters men open at #115 and add #10 after the completion of each round.
Masters women open at #75 and add #5 after the completion of each round.

7 minute AMRAP
7 ground to overhead between the two athletes
138m carry of loaded bar

Event #2

Thruster rope climb tag
One man one woman
One athlete will begin on the barbell and one will begin at the rope. 
Athlete cannot start second movement until teammate is complete. For example, athlete A. cannot start rope climbs until athlete B. is completed climbing the rope.

Event will be scored by rounds and reps

7 minute AMRAP
10 thrusters M/#135 W/#95
3 rope climbs

One man one woman
One athlete will begin on the barbell and one will begin at the rope. 
Athlete cannot start second movement until teammate is complete. For example, athlete A. cannot start rope climbs until athlete B. is completed climbing the rope.

Event will be scored by rounds and reps

7 minute AMRAP
10 thrusters M/#95 W/#65
3 rope climbs

Event #3

Stone high bar tag complex
One man one woman (cannot be the same athletes from event #2)
Athlete A. will begin on the stone and cannot proceed until he or she completes the stone complex. Athlete B. hit as many high bar complex as possible until athlete A. tags them. 

Event is scored on # of high bar complex & rounds 

7 minute AMRAP
5 stone ground to shoulder/ 10m stone carry/ 5 stone squats (on shoulder)
M/#145 W/#95
Max bar complex

Bar pull over to support/ bar muscle up must be UNBROKEN 3 points

Bar pull over .5 point

Bar muscle up 1 point

CTB pull up .25 point

Stone high bar tag complex
One man one woman (cannot be the same athletes from event #2)
Athlete A. will begin on the stone and cannot proceed until he or she completes the stone complex. Athlete B. hit as many high bar complex as possible until athlete A. tags them. 

Event is scored on # of high bar complex & rounds 

7 minute AMRAP
5 stone ground to shoulder/ 10m stone carry/ 5 stone squats (on shoulder)
M/#115 W/#65
Max 4 pull ups & 4 CTB pull ups

Each pull up .5 point

Each CTB pull up 1 point

Event #4

Open & Masters
All team members

On parallettes max L-sit

Event will be scored with the sum of each team member’s times

Final- Event #5

Men’s & women’s tag

Athlete A. 40yard plate run, athlete B. max net climbs until tug by athlete A.

7 minute AMRAP
40yard plate run
Max net climbs (cargo net)

Scored by rounds and net climbs

Athlete A. row 15 calories, athlete B. max deadlifts until tug by athlete A.

7 minute AMRAP
Row 15 calories
Max deadlifts #345

RX weight 1 point per rep

#315 weight .5 point per rep

#285 weight .25 point per rep

Scored by rounds and deadlifts

Men’s & women’s tag

Masters women
Athlete A. 40yard plate run, athlete B. max net climbs until tug by athlete A.

7 minute AMRAP
40yard plate run
Max net climbs

Scored by rounds and net climbs

Masters men
Athlete A. row 15 calories, athlete B. max deadlifts until tug by athlete A.

7 minute AMRAP
Row 15 calories
Max deadlifts #295

RX weight 1 point per rep

#265 weight .5 point per rep

#235 weight .25 point per rep

Scored by rounds and deadlifts

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